BIM: an opportunity for manufacturers, designers and developers
The BIM process has changed the way manufacturers, builders and architects work together
“I found this product and I really like it. Could you show me how it would look in situ if we used it in the living room / lobby / master bedroom?”. This is a commonplace question posed to architects and designers as more and more clients are not just asking, but even expecting, to have a more complete sense of the final look of a project, right down to the furnishings and accessories.
With the help of BIM, clients can see their wish granted, even in the most preliminary stages of a project.
Objects inserted in models aren’t mere simple 3-D geometries, but instead are genuine virtual representations of real products. A BIM object is like a container of detailed information which holds all the technical and geometric properties which make up and identify a brand’s product. This delivers a significantly more complete picture compared to CAD 2-D and 3-D output, especially given that a BIM object is a parametric model which is interlinked to all other components in an architectural work.
It’s therefore not hard to understand that architects, engineers, project managers, installers and designers need the support of manufacturers who make their products available through the BIM library. Or, to put it another way, they cannot present a full preview to their clients unless all the players involved in a project contribute their own components by adopting BIM methodology.
The BIM process has changed the way manufacturers, builders and architects work together. High-quality BIM objects which are easy to access and download are a valuable resource which makes life easier for architects and developers. In turn, this represents an interesting promotional tool for manufacturers which can open the doors to new projects and business opportunities.
For designers, architects and developers, on the other hand, it can accelerate and facilitate the decision-making process, enabling faster, more informed choices to be made, based on real information provided by suppliers.
The inevitable result is tighter, more lasting affiliations with brands and manufacturers. A well-made and comprehensive BIM library with a vast choice of BIM objects containing detailed technical information, installation and maintenance guides clearly has positive ramifications for the accuracy of a project.
Whilst many manufacturers seem reluctant to embrace the methodology, despite the growing interest in it, Salvatori was quick to understand the extraordinary benefits it could bring to the construction sector and invested in developing BIM objects for its entire product range. Architects, developers and end clients have a wealth of detailed, reliable information at their fingertips to allow them to plan, envisage, develop and execute projects right down to the tiniest detail.