The Salvatori installation service
A comprehensive turnkey solution
When an architect chooses a Salvatori product for a project, we appreciate the faith shown in our brand and we want to ensure that once it is installed, the final result reflects the original vision. Not just in the design sense, but also in terms of correct installation so that the product looks as it should and functions correctly for decades to come. We have sadly occasionally seen photos of beautiful textures installed upside down or in a haphazard way which completely negates the beauty of the product. It’s painful for us and, of course, even more so for clients and the architects who specified them!
To help avoid such travesties, in selected markets we offer an installation service which can range from providing laying assistance to a comprehensive turnkey solution.

Installation support from packaging to turnkey solutions
Our natural stone installation and laying services are designed to accompany the various phases of the process, making it efficient and intuitive. By simplifying the entire task for the architect, project manager and tradespeople and removing any risk of incorrect techniques being employed, we can be sure that the result will also mean a happy end client.
In this article we take a look at a selection of our most popular services, all of which are designed to make life easier for architects, builders and their teams. These are:
- Products divided by colour and destination zone
- Laying templates that take lighting into account
- Plug & Play approach for simplified installation
- Detailed installation guides
- Turnkey solutions
Products divided by colour and destination zone
We know how difficult it can be to manage logistics on a worksite, particularly when you have enormous quantities of material arriving and having to be sorted and stored while you try to move and work around it. We do all we can to simplify the situation, and this starts with the way we package our products.
Our tiles are sorted by colour, meaning we grade them, grouping similar tonalities together and placing them in the same box so that when you go to lay them, you won’t find dramatic differences that could jar the eye.
Another initiative we developed is designed to minimise our products being moved around a worksite. If the various crates can be delivered directly to where the products are going to be installed, the entire process becomes smoother, from trying tiles to laying them. That’s why we offer a service where we pack products by room, meaning a reduction in time and manpower lugging various elements from crate to different areas, often on different floors.
This is just the beginning, however.

Laying templates that take lighting into account
One of the many charms of natural stone is its incredible range of colours and veining, and this combination makes for interesting interplays with light. In fact, many of our textures are designed to interact with light, which is a truly magic ingredient that creates a subtle but fascinating sense of theatre.
This means that thinking about light sources, whether natural or artificial, is a key part of the design process that will also affect how textured tiles are laid. We can help with this by creating laying guides for particular spaces and providing advice on how to optimise your lighting plan to bring out the texture on certain products. A few simple adjustments here make an enormous difference to the final effect.
We will also place arrows on the backs of each tile to indicate the direction they should be laid in, relative to the light source.